Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Chill(er) out, dude!

Fans may not realize this, by TSG is actually paid (?!) for his camera-wielding efforts in the course of his "day job". Such is the case whenever the boss wants an workplace issue or event documented, photographically speaking.

Here for the first time, are images from 400 Holger Way, showing Phase 1 of the chiller replacement process. Actually, this was Phase 2, because the sub-contractor showed up the first time with a one-size-too-small crane.*

Worth noting is that the capital investment involved bodes well for your correspondent's job security prospects. After all, we've only got one year left until that holiest of grails ("service bridging") becomes a reality

 Here we see the ex-chiller settling in for it's long ride back to the factory in Monterey, Mexico. Nothing like outsourcing those big-dollar jobs to our friends down south.

Below: a view from "the yard", looking out towards the flat-bedded chlller, and a perspective from the empty frame, where the new unit will hopefully be installed by the end of the week.

*Causing much consternation and heated discussion amongst the interested parties, I can tell you!

1 comment:

parm said...

It is amazing what a nicely photographed and narrated bit of "utterly ordinary" can do - I now find myself strangely interested in what the NEW chiller is going to look like! And, will it fit? And, this time, will they bring, the first time, the right equipment to install the new chiller?

These may or may not be bone-chilling questions, but enquiring minds want to know.